Lindsay should have been in ‘Black Swan’, according to herself!

Lindsay Lohan in Black Swan

So remember how Lindsay Lohan invited a reporter to follow her around, only to open up a Pandora’s box of drunken unwarranted self-importance? Well apparently, there’s more! Somewhere between the vodka-filled water gun fight and demanding the death of all the first-born traffic cones, Lindsay let it slip that she was a trained ballerina and that she deserved to be in Black Swan.

Frustrated with the state of her career, Lohan said she “took ballet until she was 19 and was indignant that she was not considered for the movie Black Swan,” Powers adds. The most annoying part, Powers tells Gawker, is that “Plum covered all Lindsay’s expenses, including airfare for her and her family/entourage, lodging at the iconic Raleigh hotel in the penthouse suite and all transportation costs.” SOURCE

So you’re telling me that Lindsay can’t possibly figure out why she wasn’t considered for a role that won Natalie Portman an Oscar, despite the fact that her last two movie both won Razzie awards? And her counter-point is that when a magazine flies her, her family and her friends out and puts them up in a hotel, she fails to provide the interview they paid for because she was too busy drinking? Look, I’m not trying to be mean to her, but looking at a drunken failure and saying “Yup, she pissed away her career for cocaine and booze” is not mean if it is exactly what she did.

Lindsay Lohan in Black Swan

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.