Lady Gaga, the magical wheelchair-bound mermaid, got egged!

Lady Gaga

Because someone apparently managed to sacrifice a goat to Loki, the God of mischief, Lady Gaga ended up dressing up as a mermaid and riding around in a wheel chair until fans egged her because they thought the bit was offensive. I mean really, it’s hard enough for mermaids to get ahead in the job market without legs, but now she’s- Wait, mermaids aren’t real? You’re shittin’ me here.

Lady Gaga had eggs thrown at her as she left a Sydney club after a surprise appearance following a gig in the city, where she also apparently wheeled out her new mermaid alter ego Yugi – literally, that is (she was in a wheelchair). Mother Monster managed to avoid being hit by any of the eggy missiles, smiling her way through the ruckus to her waiting car after an impromptu performance in gay hotspot Arq. She had earlier made a surprise appearance at Nevermind, another of Sydney’s popular gay clubs. Beforehand, she hinted at what her Australian fans could expect, posting on Twitter: ‘Thinking of going out in Sydney tonight. How I wish we had a show. NEVERMIND, don’t listen to me. Maybe I’ll just go for a walk in the pARQ.’ Halfway through her concert in Sydney’s Town Hall, the 25-year-old – dressed in a black shroud – wheeled herself on stage in her fishy ensemble. SOURCE

Pop quiz people: Was that story completely true or the product of me playing drunk Madlibs at two in the morning because I’m going to die alone and unloved? Answer: It’s real! The only way you can tell is that if it were the latter, this post would be covered in rum and tears. Oh Captain Morgan, you’ll never leave me, will you? Oh my God, you’re bleeding! I’ll save you! *Glug glug glug…*

Lady Gaga

About JEREMY FEIST 4970 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.