Madonna’s love letter to hydrangeas …


Madonna has continued to fan the flames of what should now be a non-issue. She made a short video (which she’s calling a love letter) about her feelings on hydrangeas, which in case you didn’t know she absolutely loathes. Now, while I do agree with the “It’s a free country, I can like whatever I want” message, Madonna seems to be clearly missing the point of why this became a thing to begin with. First, she was given a gift and she acted like an incredible bitch-face, then she doesn’t acknowledge the fact that someone’s generosity and admiration were the reason for the flowers. Instead of keeping her mouth shut and being appreciative, she basically gave a big F-you while a microphone was on her.

Madonna, let’s just take this down a notch for a second. I feel like you and I are sisters, me being the much younger and prettier one that doesn’t have gargoyle arms. People don’t care that you don’t like hydrangeas, people care that you were so rude and obnoxious to a fan who thought he was doing something nice. You like roses, great. I hate them (I like irises, for the record). The difference is, I would still be flattered that someone got me a gift they thought would be a nice surprise. Watch Madge’s video below.
