oh that willy wonka

hey kids – saturday is here and i am trying to get a bit of work done and enjoy a little off time – plus i had errands that took me to san pedro AND mission hills today if you can believe it – but traffic was decent in socal today – the windows were rolled down and i was wearing shorts so i am not complaining…it could be worse and my one dog parker was able to enjoy a round of those errands – he loves going for rides in the car and he is well behaved while driving – it’s too cute!

finally i got around to watching charlie & the chocolate factory on DVD (which was just released) – i kinda wasn’t so into watching it – from the clips johnny depp looked like a weirdo – his haircut was freaking me out and i love and worship the original film so much (gosh gene wilder is so talented) – that a part of me cried blasphemy – but i do adore director tim burton and i so i gave it a go…i literally have so much to watch on DVD i am way backed up – netflix is great but i have the same movies i did two months ago (seriously i just need to send back cellular)

i am so glad i did watch though – from the moment it started i was instantly hooked and by the end overall i loved it – and it’s quite a bit different from the original that we all know and love – i was very impressed by the whole look of the film – it just all was a visual treat & delight – the colors were spectacular – plus there was some additional plot about wonka’s past & his future – at first depp really creeped me – he was sorta ‘womanish and jackson-like’ yet by the end i actually thought he was pretty decent and i really enjoyed his character which was more fleshed out than in the original – plus his father is played by legend christopher lee – i just adore those old hammer horror films – wow he must be getting up in age but he was great and seemed spry!

the best however were the oompa loompas – and they are provided with a whole plot on how they came to work with wonka at his factory – one actor played all the oompas – and their many costumes were awesome plus their musical numbers were a pure joy perfectly interspersed throughout the film – all composed by the brilliant danny elfman who also gave his voice to the oompa songs…and in the end kudos to tim burton – as i watched this film i kept thinking of edward scissorhands for some reason – he so handles the ‘eccentric loner’ genre so well – i was very pleasantly surprised by charlie & the chocolate factory and i totally recommend for all of you to check it out if you haven’t already…and of course it’s packed with a bunch of the oh so necessary bonus features!

tomorrow i will be getting my haircut which is long overdue – then perhaps a little breakfast over at the farmers market – and then i must get a bunch of work done and whip up something here on popbytes for you all – and TV is always great on sunday…rock & blog on – much love to all – over & out – xxoo

About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5717 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.