gosh kiddies its been a few days – watched like a 5 hour marathon of BOY MEETS BOY – on BRAVO (that network rocks along with TRIO) anyway cutie gay boy james had to go thru 16 suitors – some who were straight! oh the scandal! anyhoo – he had this annoying FRIEND – CHANDRA – who was there for comfort – in the end james choose wes (he should have picked sexy bar boy brian) BUT last i heard was that james was actually with KYAN DOUGLAS from QUEER EYE FOR THE STRAIGHT GUY – and this had me miffed – KYAN IS MINE – are you listening sweet kyan?? :)

michael jackson – oh michael jackson – i cant even begin to comment – im still in shock over HOW HE LOOKS – hes wild – i saw LATOYA years ago in NYC at the famed PALLADIUM – now demolisehd with fucking NYU dorm rooms – i have this thing about NYU – it SUCKS – i hate the annoying people who go there – and those purple flags – i did my masters at the new school – much cooler – and hipper – wait – latoya – she was horrible – she sang in french – i was high screaming TRASH – TRASH – with my friend kelly b (kelly come move to LA – it so rocks)

music music music – dudes itunes rules! its too easy and too much fun – i just love it – just downloaded 12 songs – and burned it – and rocking to a remix of DIDO’s WHITE FLAG – i love itunes!!

the KELIS cd ROCKS – right up there with the PINK cd (TRY THIS ON) – k’s TASTY – is great – fun- chill – sexy – you all must check out KELIS especially the track she does with the brilliant duo OUTKAST

courtney love – a thing about her in the infamous page 6 – apparently while at rehab in malibu – was running naked in the woods acting ‘wildly’ – dudes i swear i live for this chick – i only have one tattoo – a small one albeit – but its for her – im sure i mentioned my experience with her on may 19 1999 – at ROSELAND in NYC – dudes i held her hand while she was singing for a fleeting moment – but we made eye contact – and had a total contact – i was also featured in a small article about 3 years ago in FHM magazine – about my ‘obsession’ with her – im so going to get in touch with her – she is wildly talented and brilliant – LIVE THROUGH THIS – is a SOLID album – one of the best EVER – and CELEBRITY SKIN isnt pretty fucking great too (jeez im cursing a lot tonight) and i cant wait to get her new solo effort AMERICAS SWEETHEART – heard the first single MONO from an exclusive download … at … itunes – full circle people – full cirlce – im outtie

About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5717 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.