i just got back from the premiere party for rupaul’s drag race (which i posted about earlier today) i was taken aback when this totally random couple showed up on the red carpet together – local attention-seeker bobby trendy (probably best known for his time spent being anna nicole smith‘s interior designer) who was armed with steven daigle – the cute gay cowboy from big brother 10 who is getting geared up for the release of his first porn movie (‘reality star to porn star’ is the tagline) called steven daigle xxxposed (<-- link NSFW!) what an odd pairing! of course bobby had another outlandish & wacky outfit on (ummm, lady gaga is that you?) steven decided to go shirtless – looking way adorable! (i wonder if anything is going on between ’em? my guess is probably not) i loved him on ‘big brother’ but i’m kind of shocked he decided to take a trip down ‘porn lane’ yet of course i do have to see a few clips … just out of plain ol’ curiosity … ha! popbytes over & out for tonight … xoxo