So remember how Justin Bieber showed up two hours late to a concert and everyone hated him for it? Well, here’s Rihanna to completely top that in every way possible. A Chicago high school won a free RiRi concert for doing charity work for their community, which right there sets up these kids basically as saints. So of course, when it was time for the concert, Rihanna showed up four hours late, and then only performed for 16 minutes before presumably shrugging her shoulders and saying, “Meh, good enough.” Chicago Tribune reports …
The overwhelmingly female crowd had been patient in waiting for hours for her arrival after the school won a visit from the star. Teens have been chatting on their phones, grabbing snacks and braiding each other’s hair. Many have been at the school since the doors opened at noon. Rihanna was originally supposed to start her visit at 1 p.m.; on Thursday evening, the school announced that had been pushed back to 2 p.m. As of 5 p.m., she still wasn’t at the school. “It’s one thing to be fashionably late. This is just rude. Our lives don’t revolve around a pop star,” said junior Patricia Halle, who nicknamed the afternoon “the survive Rihanna event.” “Our school worked hard to win this. She should be more respectful,” Halle said.
It’s one thing to show up late to a concert, but it’s kind of a new level of terrible to stand up a bunch of kids who basically worked their fingers to the bone doing charity work just to meet you. Seriously, Rihanna could have showed up stoned out of her mind and screamed “I just had your school defunded!” before passing out on stage and it would have been a lateral move.