Generally speaking, if you cheat on your boyfriend, very publicly, with an older married man, it’s best if you just sort of lay low, make some sacrifices, and hope that teenage girls who confused unhealthy obsession with love don’t try and assassinate you for breaking the heart of a fictional character. Those Twi-Hards are really quite terrifying. But now come the reports that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are fighting for custody of their dog, Bear. Via RadarOnline …
“After Rob moved his things out of their Los Angeles home, he then told Kristen he wanted Bear,” an insider said. “She was heartbroken – they adopted Bear together and she always felt that he was their little baby. But Rob was so hurt by Kristen’s actions he decided that he wants the dog to help him get over what happened. After all, a dog is a man’s best friend and Bear is such a good companion. However, Kristen won’t give up Bear in a hurry. She helped Rob save Bear from Parvo disease, which nearly took its life when it was a puppy. She wants joint custody – and it could get a little messy,” the insider revealed.
First off: OMG THAT DOG IS SO CUTE. Now where was I? Oh, yes: Just let Rob keep the dog. Look, Kristen, let’s face it: you cheated on your very rich and famous boyfriend in public. Right now, you might want to do whatever you can to help recoup your image, because it’s not like you can win back audiences with your dazzling talent, unless they give Oscars out for “Best Lip-Biting in a Crap Movie The Glorifies Abusive Relationships.”