hey everyone! happy 4th of july to all my pals here in the US! this holiday always reminds me of summer barbecues on the beach … celebrating early yesterday was hottie actor stephen dorff (age 36) who was showing off his sexy body up in malibu while splashing around in the water – whenever i see him i’m always reminded of this story told to me a few years back … one of my friends was out here in hollywood (she’s well-connected in the music industry and used to be on a soap opera) with a bunch of her girlfriends and mr. dorff came up to the table – the first thing out of his mouth when introduced to my friend was ‘nice tits’ – classy, right? whether he’s a jerk or not, stephen is pretty damn hot (i certainly wouldn’t kick him out of bed) plus if you haven’t seen him in cecil b. demented – definitely rent it – melanie griffith kicks ass in that movie too! popbytes over & out for now … xoxo