One of television’s most beloved characters met a sudden and untimely death Sunday night. I, of course, am referring to Ida Blankenship, Don Draper‘s crusty old secretary on Mad Men. The role, played by Randee Heller (yes, the mom from The Karate Kid), became a cult favorite for fans of the show, spawning fake Twitter and Facebook accounts, among other things.
Miss Blankenship was an admittedly odd figure in the Sterling Cooper universe. On a show that treasures subtlety and suggestion, this wigged secretary often came off as broad and silly — a notable contrast to everything else around her. Whatever she was, Miss Blankenship offered some seriously needed comic relief, and her death at her desk (which was followed by a comical body removal sequence) proved to be her comedic coup de grace.
And so the era of Blankenship comes to an end. She was only with us for a few episodes — brought in midseason as a punishment to Don for having bagged one of his secretaries — but her mark has been indelible. Godspeed, Ida. Godspeed.

† Random Photo Of The Day: Caroline Manzo and Gabourey Sidibe
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