This week’s mash has been out for a bit, but I betcha haven’t heard it yet. I dropped it at my club gig in San Francisco last weekend, and the crowd went crazy! I’ve bemoaned the fact that there’s been very few good bootlegs featuring Kelis‘ fab Acapella, but that’s all about to change. And the unlikely (yet spot on) band she’s paired with is The Beatles, and their 1966 psychedelic, sitar-drenched Tomorrow Never Knows. It’s London duo Plump DJs who offer this head-swirling, endorphin-rushing mix, with a heavy dollop of extra beefy beats & effects. The 60’s meeting the 2K’s never sounded better!
† Download Plump DJs‘
The Volcano Coalition (Kelis Vs. The Beatles) †
[.mp3 / 13.2mb / right click, save link as …]
Enjoy! — DJ Paul V.
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