Yeah, remember that celebrity Twittercide thing that was supposed to raise a million bucks but ended up being a huge disappointment? About that … it seems as though Usher decided that sticking to his promise to help needy kids affected by HIV/AIDS wasn’t really worth him staying off of Twitter. Via Dlisted:
Twit fam, I’m whack for being late, I need your help. Twit,Happy Birthday Rico Love!!! He is the man that wrote you “There goes my baby”
Atl….I love ya’ll. The show was crazy…shout to Chris, Miguel and Trey. We shut it down!!! URIV
Shout to the lil homie Prince JB in London!!….I hope your keeping em warm out there….see ya soon! URIV SOURCE
Whoops! Listen, I know the campaign was kinda poorly planned out and all, but really? You decide that tweeting about mundane bullshit is more important than a promise you made to help kids with HIV/AIDS? Wow. Go fuck a landmine, Usher.