So news is that the on-again-off-again-on-again-off-again Arrested Development movie is on again (thank God!), and just in time to promote their new movie, The Switch, Jason Bateman has offered a role in the movie to Jennifer Aniston … Her? Oh I kid, I love Jennifer Aniston. However, I love obscure Arrested Development references more. Priorities people.
Jennifer Aniston has revealed that she would be interested to do a role in still-not-yet-confirmed Arrested Development movie. ‘I love it. I actually think I might have asked (Bateman) if that was possible,’ the Herald Sun quoted Aniston as telling, responding to the comments made by Jason Bateman he would like to cast her in the long delayed film. ‘Anything to work with Jason,’ she added. SOURCE
Great! Now all they have to do is finish writing the script, which Mitch Hurwitz would actually do if he weren’t a big chicken! *Claps hands and stomps feet* CO-CO, CO-CO, CO-CO CAW!
… Okay, I may have shoehorned that one in a bit, but I’m still proud of it, goddammit!