This week’s mash has so many of my favorite artists in it, I don’t know where to begin? Do I dig the sprite UK pop of The Ting Tings? Check. Do I adore Katy Perry and Kylie Minogue? Of course! Can I exclaim (with some guilt) that Willow Smith makes me wanna sing into a hairbrush? Yup! All of ’em are here (with a snippet of The Police) singing to Avril Lavigne‘s aerobically perky What The Hell. And here’s a fun fact: the video shots of Avril in the nightclub were filmed at LA’s The Echo and The Echoplex, the former/current home of Bootie LA! It’s Dan Mei & Marc Johnce who score with this winning bootleg.
† Download Dan Mei & Marc Johnce‘s
Whip Your Hands Outta My Dream Hell Bottle †
[.mp3 / 8.8mb]
Enjoy — DJ Paul V.
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