Alexander Skarsgard: OUT’s Swedish invader!

Alexander Skarsgård - OUT Magazine

Here’s True Blood hottie Alexander Skarsgård gracing the latest cover of OUT magazine. He’s so damn hot, he’s totally right up there with David Beckham when it comes to the looks department. I love how he tells the magazine, “When you’re bored, just have sex,” I certainly wouldn’t mind being locked away in some Swedish cabin during the winter with Alexander, bored out of our minds, ‘entertaining’ ourselves!

For OUT’s November cover story, True Blood star Alexander Skarsgård chats with filmmaker and fellow Swede Jonas Åkerlund about why Swedes are so liberal regarding their sexuality, the American media’s obsession with nudity, and the how the his progressive HBO series is changing attitudes in the U.S.

Skarsgård recognizes that even True Blood, considered envelope-pushing in America, remains “very tame, by Swedish standards.” He tells OUT “…that always strikes me as weird because parents in the States freak out if their kids see a nipple or a butt cheek, but, at the same time, they’re OK with their kids watching people bash each other’s heads in with baseball bats. In interviews in the U.S. all people want to talk about is nudity…. If it makes sense as a scene, I’ll do it. I don’t even think about it.”

Skarsgård also applauds True Blood creator Alan Ball for challenging America’s attitudes. “Yeah, well, we’ve really come a long way. What’s interesting is when you have a character like Lafayette, who’s black and gay, if you can find someone – some guy who doesn’t know any gay people or black people, who may have all these prejudices – if that guy watches the show and thinks, I really like this character, then you’ve done something pretty good.”

What Skarsgård misses from his homeland, however, is the creative freedoms and what that freedom brings with it. “It’s a combination of a good school system and the long, dark winters. Because that means people sit in their garages and play music for five months because it’s too cold and dark to be outside.” After Åkerlund interjects that the long winters create “boning season,” Skarsgård quickly agrees. “And that’s also why we’re so liberal and so cool with our sexuality – because we f*ck a lot [laughter],” he says. “When you’re bored, just have sex.”

Read the full Skarsgård/Åkerlund interview now.

Alexander Skarsgård - OUT Magazine

About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5718 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.