What? You thought Elton John and David Furnish feuding with Madonna would be the weirdest feud to come out of this weekend? Hell naw. So after Lana Del Rey‘s disastrous performance on Saturday Night Live (I’m sorry, I love her, but … no, seriously, what was that? Watch the videos below) Brian Williams sent an email to Nick Denton (of Gawker) that was ultimately leaked to the press, blasting her performance and implied the website should have torched Lana’s terrible performance. Via Gawker:
Brooklyn hippster [sic] Lana Del Rey had one of the worst outings in SNL history last night — booked on the strength of her TWO SONG web EP, the least-experienced musical guest in the show’s history, for starters
Okay, seriously, is that not the weirdest thing you’ve ever heard? Personally, I’m just waiting until Gretchen Carlson gets into a Twitter feud with Azealia Banks. Please let this happen. I want to see if, in a fight, Azealia will follow through on the whole I’ma ruin you cunt thing.