All right, I’m going to be completely honest with you here: I really have very little knowledge about drugs or whatever the kids are doing these days for a cheap high. Yeah, somewhere between jenkem and that thing where people stuffed vodka-soaked tampons up their butts, I honestly just sort of tuned all this shit out. But while I was looking away, sucking the nitrous oxide out of an empty can of whipped cream, a practice called “whipits”, became a thing, and reports are now suggesting that the seizure that landed Demi Moore in the hospital may have been related to it. Go figure. TMZ reports:
Sources tell TMZ … one of Demi’s friends who was at her home told emergency workers Demi was doing whipits. A whipit is a street name for a type of nitrous oxide inhalant. The friend said she became upset when Demi had a reaction to a whipit and lapsed into semi-consciousness. It appears Demi had symptoms of a seizure — after inhaling the nitrous.
From what I understand about whipits (which admittedly isn’t much because a can of whipped cream becomes completely useless to me the moment it can no longer unleash a torrent of delicious whipped dessert topping into my face hole) they’re more commonly used by dumb teenagers who can’t afford weed, which makes it even weirder that Demi would be doing this. I mean last time I checked, Demi wasn’t a white trash fourteen-year-old boy who hangs around outside a 7-11.