Consider this the spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down, because I’m about to hit you with a big heaping helping can of celebrities talkin’ ’bout politics. But on the plus side, it features colossal funbags, which I know some of you enjoy (some of you = the ones who don’t ogle the man pretty we keep posting). Anyway, in a recent interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Katy Perry talked about how America should have free health care, and then flashed a bit of cleavage to help get the point across.
“It just feels like the thing running our country is a bank, money,” she tells the magazine. “I think we are largely in desperate need of revolutionary change in the way our mindset is. Our priority is fame, and people’s wellness is way low. I saw this knowing full well that I’m a part of the problem. I’m playing the game, though I am trying to reroute. Anyway, not to get all politically divulging and introspective, but the fact that America doesn’t have free health care drives me f*cking absolutely crazy, and is so wrong.” SOURCE
I’m not going to try too hard to make the case for free health care, other than to point out that so far Canada hasn’t plunged into the fucking sea because sick babies are allowed to see doctors without paying (the Stanley Cup is another matter entirely). That’s not what we do here. Our job is to point at Paris Hilton and think of a synonym for whore. Which reminds me, today’s word for Paris is … *rolls the die* Trollop! WOO!