Lil Za got arrested again while under arrest. Genius.

Lil Za

Lil Za

So it’s pretty much safe to assume that <strong>Lil Za has become the designated fall guy for Justin Bieber‘s latest marvelous f**k-up of causing $20,000 in property damage. Yesterday, Lil Za was arrested for possession of drugs, and was arrested a second time — IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS FIRST ARREST —  after he smashed a phone. Or in terms the internet can better understand, yo dawg! I heard you like taking the fall, so we put a felony in your felony so you can get arrested while you get arrested! TMZ explains this genius legal strategy …

Sources tell us Za was minutes from posting bail and getting released from custody after getting busted for drug possession at Bieber’s house this morning — and then for some reason he flipped out and smashed a phone in the jailhouse. We’re told Za was almost immediately re-booked for vandalism. Best of all, depending on the value of the phone … this could also be a felony — to go along with his felony drug bust.

Let it never be said that Justin doesn’t have one of the best entourages in pop music. I mean really, who else could have police raid their house to investigate a felony, only to have the heat taken off by a friend who was dumb enough to be carrying cocaine AND smash police property? Man, that is one dedicated cluster of sycophantic yes-men.

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.