Lindsay Lohan is swimming in scripts?

Lindsay Lohan

So apparently, the whole “crashing a Golden Globes party and pretending she has a career” bit I reported on yesterday actually worked out for Lindsay Lohan, because now TMZ is reporting that Lindsay is practically swimming in scripts and movie offers because studios finally see that she’s “serious”. Oh yeah, and did we mention that Lindsay has a hearing coming up? I’m sure that’s a coincidence.

Lindsay Lohan is ready to sign on to play Liz Taylor, and she’s going to complete her community service faster than required to clear the decks for shooting the flick. Lindsay — who will appear in court at 10 AM PT for her probation progress hearing — is in the final stages of negotiating the deal — this according to sources very close to the actress/perpetual defendant. We’re told the plan is to sign the deal early next week. And we’re told … Lindsay is actually getting more scripts than she’s received in years — apparently producers have noticed she’s finally showing some maturity.

What are the odds that Lindsay sent this story herself to TMZ? Or Dina Lohan? Because if Kim Kardashian‘s desperate, no-holds barred desire to be Elizabeth Taylor has taught me anything, it’s that Taylor is the role that every zero talent, no work ethic starlet desperately wants to play. Which is kind of ironic, because Liz was actually a talented actress, but most whores just see the sparkly engagement rings and think “FREE RIDE! GIMME GIMME GIMME!”

Lindsay Lohan

Troubled actress Lindsay Lohan arrives at the Airport Courthouse on January 17, 2012 in Los Angeles, CA. Lindsay was required to report to the court for her probation updates.

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.