Rihanna posted more pics of her boobs on the internet, and to be honest, I’m worried. We, as a society, are reaching the point of over-saturation of RiRi’s boobs. Back in my day, if you wanted to see Rihanna’s boobs, you had to walk five miles through snow and ice just to maybe get a glimpse of the side of her boob, and we were happy with a little side boob action goshdurnit. Nowadays, kids just go onto Facebook, Twitter and Google and BAM, they have Rihanna boobs. We need to teach kids to work for their Rihanna boobs. Like Ayn Rand said: “Blah blah blah capitalism and free market and glarbedy glarbedy glarb … COMMUNISTS! COMMUNISTS EVERYWHERE! AIIIIIIIIIE!!! *Jumps out of window*”